Monday 26 September 2022

Air Traffic Control Recordings from a UFO Sighting Reported Simultaneously by 2 Pilots, Feb 28, 1996 - Eyes on Cinema

Some iconic UFO cases and personalities launch with an extraordinary case involving an aerial phenomenon and multiple aircraft between Ohio and Saginaw, Michigan. This occurrence deserves more notice than it has heretofore received. Sgt. Russell Yokum Recorded the Sound of a UFO Hovering over the Columbia River, St Helens, OR, 1981, is also courtesy of Eyes on Cinema we're able to hear it. Similarly, we're "there" as Woodrow Derenberger Talks about His 1966 UFO Sighting & Encounter with a Humanoid Named Indrid Cold. Rich Reynolds has more on this and a pertinent comments link in Listen to This Account of a 1966 Event That Examples Jose Caravaca's Distortion Theory. Whatever we make of anecdotal tales like Derenberger's, Prof. James E. McDonald Talks Physical Evidence of UFOs and the Lack of Scientific Importance, 1967 makes a passionate case for UFO studies. Maybe it's seriously being heeded, 55 years later. (WM)

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