Thursday 28 July 2022

Winged Humanoid Communication Claimed by Rosemont, Illinois Experiencer

A Rosemont, Illinois resident claims to have had physical contact with one of these winged humanoids, and that there was also some communication. This incident will require further investigation.

The following account was received by Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research investigator Manuel Navarette at UFO Clearinghouse:

Date of Sighting: July 2, 2022

Time of Sighting: Approximately 0100

Location of Sighting: Burgermeister Park, Rosemont, Illinois

Overview: Witness has apparent multiple encounters with winged humanoid and alien creatures

Case Status: Under Investigation

Case Details:

"I have had multiple encounters with what people have been calling the Mothman over the last two years. It all started with an encounter I had one time in my bedroom in April of 2020. I have experienced abductions since I was about 12-years-old and they have continued on throughout my entire life. I awoke to a ringing in my ears and the feeling of being watched from the corner of my room. I sat up in bed and rolled my eyes and remembered seeing two small figures standing just inside my bedroom and trying to poorly blend into the shadows. I went to say something when I heard the words in my head “We have something special to show you.”

I awoke to find myself on a table being examined by a group of taller beings, about 5-feet-tall and thin but with large heads and large black eyes. I was unable to move and just loudly sighed out of frustration as I have never resisted and never would. The being closer to my head slowly put his forehead to my forehead and locked eyes with me, reaching into my mind like they have done so many times before. He spoke to me and said “Our time together is drawing to a close, but we wanted to show you something not many people are given the privilege of seeing”. I remember him helping me stand up off of the table as the smaller beings now surrounded me. The next thing I remember is being surrounded by a bright light and finding myself and my companions standing in the park that is down the street from my house. I looked around and saw that we were on the far side of the gazebo and were facing the creek that borders the park (Burgermeister Park). I suddenly became very self aware that I was standing in the park in the middle of the night in an oversized shirt with nothing underneath but my undies. I started to look around to see that we were all alone when the larger being touched my arm bringing my attention back to him. I looked and standing in front of us was a very tall man, with glowing red eyes and a pair of very large black wings. I started to back away when the being grabbed my arm and told me to not be afraid, I was perfectly safe and there would be no harm. The being stepped closer, his red eyes gazing at me when I started to hear a series of clicks, like it was trying to communicate with me. I watched as it touched my arm and the next thing I remember was waking up in my bed and feeling a sort of euphoria, like everything was right for the world that would last a day or two.

My latest encounter started pretty much the same as before with a few exceptions. It was on the evening of July 2nd at about one o’clock in the morning. I was brought to the park to meet with the winged creature. I had been reading about the various sightings all over Chicago and I asked if it was the same creature being seen all over the airport and the city. I heard the word “Yes” in a deep, monotone voice in my head. I asked what it was doing here and it came back with the words “observing you, watching you” in my head. It then reached out with its arm and touched my forearm, unlike the other times I felt a slight prick and observed a drop of blood on my arm. I was shocked but not afraid and I heard the being that was at my side say “our time has come, we must go but we will always be watching.” I awoke in my bed, feeling the usual euphoria but with a slight twinge of sadness, like an old friend has left for good."

Investigators Notes:

I spoke with the witness via phone and after talking to her about her various previous abductions and encounters with the winged humanoid, I asked her to focus on the latest encounter and to describe the creature in detail.

The witness stated that the winged entity was approximately 7-8 feet tall, for reference the witness is 5’4” tall. She stated that it was thinly built, rail thin but she had the impression like it was powerful. The wings she said were smooth and membranous with an almost silky appearance to them and were hinged so as to fold in on themselves and were at least 10-11 feet in width and appeared to go down most of the body of the creature. She stated that she has seen the entity tuck its wings neatly behind its back and also use the wings to wrap around its body. She stated that the wings were mostly silent and she never remembers hearing them. She described the head as blocky and square with no pronounced features such as a nose or ears and the only thing you could see were the eyes. She described the eyes as large, bright and intense. She described the shine as brilliant red and that it seemed to be deeply sunk into the creature’s head and did not move at all. She described the arms and legs as thin and the hands ending in what looked like claws or talons that appeared to be sharp. The arms are described as thin and frail but that the look of weakness was deceiving as it appeared the arms were fully capable of defending the creature if it so chose to attack. She described the creature’s demeanor as “chill” and not aggressive and that when it moved it did in fluid motions that looked effortless despite its size and awkward appearance. The witness stated that there was a slight smell of ammonia associated with the creature when she would encounter it and that it was not overwhelming.

When asked about the creature’s demeanor, she described it as calm, calculating and emotionless much like the alien companions that accompanied her. She described the encounters as brief and that they were over just as fast as they began. I asked her if she felt afraid and she answered that maybe at first but after the first time she felt calm and that she was in no danger.

During the interview the witness received a call from a family member and the interview was cut short. I have reached out to her in regards to resuming the interview and am awaiting a response.

**Update** The witness has contacted me and we will resume the interview next Friday as the witness is away until then. Further notes will be added to the site as they are received.

NOTE: I'm going to post this series of incident as reported to Manuel for now, pending his next interview. I would also like to interview the witness. Lon

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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People around the world seek the psychic and medical intuitive advice of Su Walker. She is an internationally known psychic and medical intuitive. For over 20 years she has assisted individuals, CEO's of businesses, physicians, actors, and law enforcement agencies. Her psychic readings and medical intuitive readings are sought out for their high levels of accuracy and detail.

Frequently asked to investigate hauntings or paranormal activity, Su's been featured in various publications, television documentaries, and radio appearances. Su also conducts training seminars during the year, because she desires to educate the public about various forms of psychic phenomena, improving psychic skills and exploring remote viewing, scrying, or energy projection. Psychic development classes are available.

Su travels the country presenting lectures and workshops on psychic readings, medical intuitive readings, and other paranormal and spiritual issues. Su Walker medical intuitive also has taught on telepathy. Su's website can be found at

We will also be joined by Kevin Estrella, who is a master guitarist and has a band called 'Pyramids on Mars.' Kevin is also radio show host. He’s done a huge number of shows about the Star Nations that have visited and their connections to him.

Join us on Friday, July 29th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





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from Phantoms and Monsters - Real Cryptid Encounter Reports - Fortean Researcher Lon Strickler

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