Monday 18 July 2022

"The Theme Has Vista": The Question of UFO Reality and the Myth of Things Seen in the Sky - Skunkworks

Bryan Sentes confronts distinctions made between UFO "reality" particularly and how that phenomenon is interpreted by the human element—witnesses as well as others. In Chance Harmonies Bryan had lauded M J Banias' The UFO People: A Curious Culture for some similar views to his, and Bryan urged us to read Doug Johnson's Undark article Decolonizing the Search for Extraterrestrial Life for its "thorough unmasking" of the Eurocentrism he and Bryan remark in the language of space exploration—an extension of a 19th-century predilection in historical and wider thought that over the last 35 years or so has thankfully begun to recede. Bryan Sentes and Luis Cayetano in Conversation introduces a wide-ranging discussion along these lines, and The Conversation with Luis Cayetano Continues... offers more topics and seemingly a somewhat less-tight tether to ufology. On this thorny but rich subject of the UFO Phenomenon/a and its/their apprehension by individuals and society readers may also wish to consult Thomas Bullard's The Myth and Mystery of UFOs and Eric Ouellet's Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event, the latter published by Anomalist Books. (WM)

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