Monday 11 July 2022

The Chilean Navy UFO - Skeptoid

Here's a cautionary tale about analyzing "UFO" footage. Brian Dunning certainly relates the basic story correctly and clearly, though his speculations about the specific makeup of the UFO committee that reached an erroneous majority conclusion may not be backed by specific research on the individual members. Jack Brewer's Timing is Everything touches upon one of the same issues in how information was "floated" out to the public. Rich Reynolds uses a video segment featuring Jack's "unnamed" "self-described journalist" and his latest favorite human subject to illustrate a lapse in thinking by Travis Taylor on his DoD work on the AATIP Images. And Jason Colavito rather puts the skeptical bow on this quartet of articles about issues within ufological practice by observing that The Travis Taylor Saga Grows Stranger and Stupider. Jason presses the ethical question of Taylor's multiple concurrent employments while scoring points in some of his asides. (WM)

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