Wednesday 13 July 2022

Possible Glowing Red-Eyed Bigfoot Incident in Clarksburg, WV

A West Virginia man recalls an encounter he had as a child. The description seems to suggest that this may have been a Bigfoot. The glowing red eyes does appear in other incident reports.

I recently received the following account:

"I'm not sure if this makes any sense or reveals anything new, but I wanted to report this to some organization that appears to specialize in this area.

This incident occurred about 1960 - 1965. I was approximately 9-years-old. I was playing in the kitchen with some Army men toys while my parents were in the adjoining living room. It was dark outside, cool, but not cold. It was probably mid-spring because the kitchen door was open with only a glass-filled screen door between me and the outside. I was about 10 feet from the door. There was a concrete porch that extended 4 feet wide. The banister was also concrete and extended about 6 or 7 feet above the ground on the other side if the porch.

We lived in the North View section of Clarksburg, West Virginia.  North View was a typical suburb of middle class America. We had neighbors just a few feet on all sides. There is the West Fork River just about 1/2 mile from our house. There is a children's park about a block from that house and stretching a block or so from the river. The area very was well light.

As I was playing on the floor, I got the feeling that I was being watched. I looked up toward the glass-filled screen door. There I saw an odd looking person. Its head was exposed to the top the its shoulders. I didn't notice any abundance of hair.

Being a child, and not considering any danger, I smiled thinking it might be a friend of mine trying to fool me. It never occurred to me there could be something possibly dangerous in our backyard. But, the creature's eyes began to glow red. In fact, his entire face was enveloped by this glow. I was suddenly overcome with a great fear and began to scream. My parents were soon by my side, but the creature had turned and apparently walked away. It appeared it walked toward my right.

My parents could tell something had truly terrified me. With that, we all went onto the back porch. For some reason, my mom and I walked off the porch which was about 5 to 7 foot above the backyard as it had a slope which lowered as the ground rolled toward the section of ground where the creature had just stood. In fact, the creature I saw, stood on the lowest end if the slope making the top of the banister approximately 6 feet from the ground.

So, my mother and I walked down the steps of the porch and onto an attached concrete patio.  Now, it had just recently finished raining, so looking down we both saw what looked like enormous footprints. My mom said to my father, "My God Len, (shortened version of my father's name, Leonard) look!" My father noticed prints and also what seemed to be deep impressions in the grass. He looked at my mother and said, "Take the boy in."   

Next, he followed me and my mother inside the house. My father then went into my parent's backroom and soon came out with his military .45 handgun. He then went back outside. I begged him not to go and was very afraid until he came back into the house. He sat down but didn't say a word. No one ever talked about that incident until years later when I asked my mother.  

At that time, I was about 50 years old. My parents had divorced and I found myself alone with my mother, as my family had visited her that day. Since we were alone, I took the opportunity to ask her a question I had wrestled with for years. I asked her about that incident.   

She had been washing dishes with her back to me as I sat at the kitchen table. She stopped, turned to face me and said with a strange nervous voice, "Do you still remember that thing?" I said yes, to which she responded with a stern, almost harsh voice. "Well, we don't talk about that situation." My mother loved to talk. She could go on about anything and she was hardly ever rude when taking. Yet, without a doubt, she was refusing to on. So, out of respect I let it go.  

Both of my parents are now deceased and I'm up in age, 68 as of July 2022. I retired from the state after 20 years as a state fraud investigator with 7 years as a supervisor. I'm a minister, and I'm a well-respected member of group of people with whom I associate. I believe I'm perceived as a down to earth, level-headed man.  

I've only told this story to family and an investigator with whom I worked. That's about 10 people. I told the investigator because he was an outdoorsman and I hoped he had an answer.  

If you want to know what I think, I wish I'd never see that thing. Its been a bad shadow over my life. I've never got that image out of my mind. I'm still fearful of the dark, and I don't like being alone. It's caused me nothing but fear." LM

NOTE: This is unusual incident. Was it a Bigfoot, possibly a juvenile? It does seem to have affected the witness since the incident. What do you think this being was? Lon

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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ZACH STARRICK / SOUTHERN ILLINOIS MONSTER HUNTERS - Enfield, Illinois Horror - Lon Strickler (Host)

Phantoms & Monsters Radio presents Zach Starrick and the Southern Illinois Monster Hunters team. They state that they hunt for creatures that inhabit or that are suspected to be migrating in or through Southern Illinois.

Zach D. Starrick is the team leader of the SIMH. he is also an interim pastor of Walnut Hill Freewill Baptist Church, as well as a bass singer, pro wrestler, cryptozoologist of 17 years, outdoorsman, and cattle rancher.

Gale J. Laffoon Jr., 34 years old, is an outdoorsman, farmer, dog trainer, Bigfoot researcher, and the security of the SIMH.

Stacy Caughlin is the occult researcher for SIMH. he is a retired US Army Aviation mechanic and pro fighter; boxing, kickboxing, MMA, pro wrestler. He uses pendulums and a rod dowsing specialist with or without maps.

Join us this Friday, July 15th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





A Mysterious Place That Oozes All Things Sinister: Mothman, a Road Trip and Red Eyes

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Malaysian Resort Threatens to Sue Former Guest Over Paranormal Activity Claim



'STRANGE DAYS' with LON STRICKLER - Cryptid / Monsters Experiencers - Spaced Out Radio - 6/27/2022






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from Phantoms and Monsters - Real Cryptid Encounter Reports - Fortean Researcher Lon Strickler

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