Wednesday 20 July 2022

Oldest European Human Fossil Possibly Found in Spain -

More news showing how dynamic is archaeology's current "state." Push back the date for hominids in Europe at least 200,000 years, according to this new find. And the jawbone fragment the Atapuerca research project has literally just "unearthed" is yet to be matched to a species. Ruth Schuster reports a New Theory for Khirbet Qeiyafa: Not King David's City but a Vast Cultic Compound. Consider a walled hilltop place with two entrances—one possessing "an invested outer facade," the other not even doors; and the site name's very pronunciation is not universally accepted. While "This article will bring you no answers," Schuster has fun with it while delineating the many points of contention only muddled by the new interpretation. A long-standing mystery seems solved as the Max Planck Society claims Origins of the Black Death Identified. The Tian Shan mountain foothills close to Lake Issyk Kul in current Kyrgyzstan have been pinpointed by genomic, archaeological, and historical collaboration "with unprecedented precision." And "In something of a strange silver lining to" a recent crime, Tim Binnall says Excavation at Georgia Guidestones Site Finds No Sign of Apocryphal Time Capsule. But the quick archaeological "dig" hasn't solved the mysteries of who committed the monumental attack and of the site's real purpose. (WM)

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