Wednesday 6 July 2022

Not One Credible Explanation - Not One! - for UFOs - UFO Conjectures

Rich Reynolds ruminates upon about what's behind UFO phenomena, arguing that while it's okay to consider ET as a possibility, to conclude "off-world vehicles not made on this earth" constitute the cause, absent compelling proof, "is pathological in nature." Rich counsels looking elsewhere for the answers—but certainly not for "Disclosure" by "Those Who Supposedly Know." Rich complains about The ET Connection: It Has Usurped Any Other UFO Explanation. Rich also considers that maybe Aliens [ETs] from Interstellar Space are Getting the Heave-ho, Finally. He's noted some scientific movement towards positing an "other dimensions or universes" point of origin for UFOs. But in That Multiverse Thing, Again Rich considers the "multiverse" notion "goofier than the extraterrestrial theme perhaps." Fraught with difficulties is the search for answers, but Rich still suspects there's something there—and it could be very important. (WM)

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