Saturday 16 July 2022

Menacing 'Upright Wolf' Shadows Witnesses on Abandoned Wisconsin Military Base

Two teen friends are walking through an abandoned military base when they start to notice that they are being shadowed by an unknown entity. An upright wolf eventually manifests, terrifying the pair.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"My sighting happened in early 1980s. I was 13-years-old. Sunny, Fall afternoon in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Havenwoods, which is on a military base. Back then you could get into the woods. There was a BMX track out there.

Me and my best friend went out there looking for our friends. My bike had a flat tire, so we walked out there. As we got closer to the track, we could hear our friends. When we got to it everyone was gone. So we started to walk back the way we came. As we walked you could hear something walking with us in the woods. We yelled out, 'Who's out here?' No answer. So we continue walking.

Now, it was in front of us, walking on the trail. But we see nothing. Yell again, 'Who's out there?'  NO answer again. Kept walking. Now, on other side of us, you can hear and sense something walking with us, but invisible to the eye. Now, I'm afraid. We turn back around, starting to walk back towards the track and, again, in front of this direction the same thing. I'm really frightened. I knew the railroad tracks were to my left, so I said to my buddy, 'Let's go the tracks and get the hell out of here!'

I turn and ten feet from me is standing, on its hind legs next to a tree, is a creature I have never seen! 8 to 10 feet tall, very dark, well-built wolf. It's staring at us with its mouth open, like I'm its prey! I froze. I thought I screamed, but nothing came out. It felt like 5 minutes, BUT was only seconds. We were frozen. This thing looked through my soul. I couldn't move. I regained some bit of composure and we ran like the wind to a business outside the woods. Hammering on the glass door which was locked. It was a Sunday afternoon, they were closed. Ran like the wind home through a creek.

I told old my mom, but she told me I had seen a dog or someone was trying to scare us. The thing is, in every direction we turned, it was walking with us! Unseen! Until it wanted to be seen. It was a sunny afternoon.

I believe in the supernatural ever since then. I've been in those woods plenty of times after that, never seen anything again. Granted, it took me years to go back out there. Back in the day there was a prisoner of war camp there (1940s) and a missile site (1950s - 60s). I know there are a lot tunnels out there, but the government filled in and flooded them. So I guess there would be plenty of places for this thing to live underground.

Anybody else in the area have an experience like mine? This thing was invisible tracking us until it wanted to be seen. I feel lucky to have lived through that. To me the closest thing to what it looked like was the werewolf on 'American Werewolf in London' film." TK

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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Phantoms & Monsters Radio welcomes alien abductee and military surveillance experiencer Kenneth Hopkins.

Kenneth states:

"For most of my life I had no awareness that I was an abductee. The night experiences I thought were dreams. In these, I would visit many places and see the same people many nights after I fell asleep.  I thought they were dream people. I could smell, touch them and have all six senses with them. Some places were cold, some places too warm and other places I couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen in.

When things became strange was in the summer of 1976. While attending Northeastern University, I would get a Top Security job, working for a contracting Agency for the Department Of Defense (DOD). The DOD and an abduction would create a conflict that would become lifelong in surveillance. I’m not going to get into much detail on this. The story was published in 2016 in a book titled 'Earth Transformations.' Published as non-fiction, where a young female agent for DOD, would be set up for abductions with me. With much assistance from Llan Starkweather, we were able to get this book published. Unfortunately, the book has been taken out of circulation.

In the years of 1975 through 1978, I would have abductions by the Greys in the daytime while driving a car with numerous different young women. These experiences I would have no memory of. I called them, “Blackouts.”  I would later become aware that these were referred to as missing time. As they occurred, I felt helpless. Some ranged from a half hour to most of a day. Always there were women present. In 30 minutes to an hour, most the women seemed unaware. These incidents occurred in cars, beaches, and even amongst crowds of people. As events occurred, so did homicides of witnesses. I ran into the Navy when men in suits started looking for me. In the last two homicides, two people just disappeared. Surveillance would start while I was in the U.S. Navy and continues to this day.

In 2003, after telling a story of seeing a UFO to my son, I would receive a series of flashbacks.  They became traumatic. I would begin my search with Hypnosis and Massachusetts MUFON. The pieces would come together in fragments of what occurred some 35 years ago. I would become horrified as different visitors came into my room, awakening me. Some ghost and some Interdimensionals.

It was at this point I reached out and helped others understand their experiences. For me now, it’s reaching out to others and to help them better understand their experiences.

Accidentally my son walked into my bedroom to shut the door and there he saw a Grey standing by my bed. This incident started my use of photography. After trying numerous camera systems we were able to photograph abduction phenomena "that these were referred to as missing time. As they occurred, I felt helpless. Some ranged from a half hour to most of a day. Always there were women present. In 30 minutes to an hour, most the women seemed unaware. These incidents occurred in cars, beaches, and even amongst crowds of people. As events occurred, so did homicides of witnesses. I ran into the Navy when men in suits started looking for me. In the last two homicides, two people just disappeared. Surveillance would start while I was in the U.S. Navy and continues to this day.

In 2003, after telling a story of seeing a UFO to my son, I would receive a series of flashbacks.  They became traumatic. I would begin my search with Hypnosis and Massachusetts MUFON. The pieces would come together in fragments of what occurred some 35 years ago. I would become horrified as different visitors came into my room, awakening me. Some ghost and some Interdimensionals.

It was at this point I reached out and helped others understand their experiences. For me now, it’s reaching out to others and to help them better understand their experiences.

Accidentally my son walked into my bedroom to shut the door and there he saw a Grey standing by my bed. This incident started my use of photography. After trying numerous camera systems we were able to photograph abduction phenomena."

Join us this Friday, July 20th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





Congress approves measures to share UFO data

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'STRANGE DAYS' with LON STRICKLER - Cryptid / Monsters Experiencers - Spaced Out Radio - 6/27/2022






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from Phantoms and Monsters - Real Cryptid Encounter Reports - Fortean Researcher Lon Strickler

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