Thursday 28 July 2022

Duel in the Sky: Moment Stunned Tourists 'Watch Top Gun Pilots Chase a UFO' at High Speed Over a National Park - The U.S...

Imogen Braddick's article includes a video which begs for analysis. The three objects moving in tandem certainly do "wink out" oddly; perhaps an expert could contact the witness who strongly defends the non-CGI nature of his daughter's cellphone capture. Almost due West from Acadia National Park in Maine, but 4 hours' driving removed in New Hampshire, UFOs Sightings Reported in Madison and Jackson have caught Daymond Steer's attention. There's some interesting accounts here, and Daymond might benefit from learning more about the National UFO Reporting Center's operations. They're taking this next sighting pretty well in the Near East, as Aaron Reich reports about some Mysterious Lights, Possibly SpaceX Starlink, Spotted in Israel's North. These are still grand displays, though some astronomers and indigenous peoples aren't overjoyed at their presence. And Tim Binnall relates a different sort of "encounter" as a Florida Man Arrested While Trying to Warn Space Force About Aliens. Claimed Presidential telepathy informed one person about a war featuring "U.S. aliens and Chinese dragons." Whom to root for? (WM)

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