Tuesday 19 July 2022

Dr. Claude Vince Swanson - We Remember

Less than a month after the passing of Brenda Dunne of ICRL (International Consciousness Research Laboratories), we hear of the death of Claude Swanson in Arizona. After earning a PhD in Physics at Princeton, Swanson pursued a career in applied physics. He believed that the science of the paranormal was an essential missing piece of unified field theory, which seeks to unite all the governing theories of force and matter in the universe into a single framework. He documented his investigations into the paranormal in three hefty volumes: The Synchronized Universe (I); Lifeforce (II); and Science of the Soul (III). Says Garret Moddel of the Society for Scientific Exploration: "His willingness and ability to connect our exotic investigations and world to mainstream physics was unique." (PH)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/3OiPccx

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