Monday 25 July 2022

Department of Defense Establishes Office to Track UFOs in Space -

Reaction towards the DoD/ODNI new All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) from the UFO-savvy press. Brett Tingley covers the high-level items, noting also recent NASA moves regarding UFOs/UAPs/etc. Updating his DoD Announces the Establishment of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office -- July 20, 2022, John Greenewald does a video run-through of the AARO actions, while remarking of the "evolving" activity "I would bet money that the DoD doesn't really even know what they're doing here." John notes the importance of the "space" realm in the new tasking, the fact that the top formal AARO leadership is much more "dialed into" pertinent disciplines than in the Project Blue Book days, and the need to archive whatever the government puts out—because sometimes it vanishes later on! John also notes FOIA process techniques, some of which grabbed interesting tidbits of NASA/UAPTF collaboration. Over at The Debrief Micah Hanks' The Pentagon Just Revealed the New Name of Its UAP Investigative Office adds more context with related Congressional moves. And Air Force Magazine's John Tirpak headlines Pentagon, Under Mandate, Creates New Office to Investigate and 'Mitigate' UFOs, also noting its reporting duties to "undersecretary of defense for intelligence and security, Ronald S. Moultrie." (WM)

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