Friday 15 July 2022

Deadly 'Reptilian' Encounters Uncovered in Pennsylvania Coal Mines

A Reptilian encounter, resulting in death of coal miners near Dixonville, PA, was unclassified in 2008. There were other deadly Reptilian incidents reported in Pennsylvania mines.

In 2008 a file was declassified by the British Ministry of Defense. Titled 'Unidentified Flying Objects Correspondence,' the report contains detailed information regarding ufology. Inside the 318-page document is a lengthy chapter labeled: THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY EXPOSED: THE REALITY OF THE SERPENT RACE AND THE SUBTERRAIN ORIGIN OF UFOS. Several astonishing firsthand encounters are described in great detail.

One documented ordeal took place in the coal mining town of Dixonville, Pennsylvania in Indiana County. In the early 1940s, two mining inspectors received a frantic call about a collapsed shaft. They rushed to the accident site where 15 coal miners were now helplessly trapped. According to the document, hostile subterranean 'Lizard People' were encountered. First responders noticed a lifeless body laying on scattered debris. His skin was lacerated with claw-like marks from an unknown creature. More corpses soon surfaced. The deceased miners had identical gruesome injuries. All had succumbed to these horrific wounds. Despite scouring the deep tunnel, several miners were still missing. Additional personnel joined the search party in hopes of retrieving survivors.

Emergency workers searched the sprawling tunnel system, yet no additional miners were uncovered. Despite the waning hope of finding other living miners, two inspectors continued their quest. They eventually found a mysterious passage to a huge cavern. At one point, one of the inspectors observed one of the creatures. He saw the enormous scaled reptilian running away. He stated, “that thing was not of this world!”

This incident remained classified for nearly 40 years. On July 14, 1974, a local newspaper published an article about the subterranean massacre. Stranger still, numerous eyewitnesses have experienced similar confrontations for decades.

Source: Subterranean Reptilians Killed 15 Coal Miners


Another incident occurred in a mine in Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Of the three victims of this particular mine disaster, only two were rescued. However both described a similar paranormal encounter with strange 'men' who entered the caverns and gave light to the two trapped miners and told them that they would be rescued. They were uncertain whether the entities were humans or supernatural beings however, as much of their collective "hallucination" contained both physical as well as supernatural elements. The bluish "light" which illuminated the room, they said, was real, but other holographic-like visuals that appeared on the walls, when touched by their hands, either disappeared or revealed solid rock behind.

Michael Burke, in his article 'Green Thing Sparks Rumors' in The Valley News Dispatch (New Kensington, Tarentum and Vandergrift, PA., Mar. 5, 1981) described a small creature (about 4 ft. tall), that appeared to be 'half humanoid - half dinosaur' was seen emerging from a sewer tunnel in New Kensington. A group of children chased the infant or young dinosauroid creature, one of them momentarily grabbing it at which point it let out a squealing or screeching sound, and then slipped from his hands and escaped back into the sewer tunnel.

Another incident took place some miles west of Dixonville, PA., where in 1944 several miners were killed or turned up missing as a result of encounters with 'alien' creatures in one particular mineshaft there.

The original local newspaper account:

PENNSYLVANIA, DIXONVILLE - Mine inspector Glenn E. Berger reported in 1944 to his superiors that the Dixonville mine disaster which "killed" 15 men was not the result of a cave-in, but rather an attack by underground creatures capable of manipulating the earth [partial cave-ins], whose domain the miners had apparently penetrated. Most of the dead miners were not injured by falling rocks but showed signs of large claw marks, others were missing, and one survivor spoke of seeing a vicious humanoid creature that was 'not of this world' within an ancient passage that the miners had broke into. The creature somehow created a "cave-in", blocking himself and another inspector [who closed his eyes when he felt the creatures 'hot breath' on his neck] from the main passage until another rescue party began to dig through the collapse, scaring the "creature" away. - Stoney Brakefield - NEWS EXTRA, July 14, 1974

NOTE: Please read Vietnam: Recent & Wartime Reptilian Cave Encounters - Lon

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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ZACH STARRICK / SOUTHERN ILLINOIS MONSTER HUNTERS - Enfield, Illinois Horror - Lon Strickler (Host)

Phantoms & Monsters Radio presents Zach Starrick and the Southern Illinois Monster Hunters team. They state that they hunt for creatures that inhabit or that are suspected to be migrating in or through Southern Illinois.

Zach D. Starrick is the team leader of the SIMH. he is also an interim pastor of Walnut Hill Freewill Baptist Church, as well as a bass singer, pro wrestler, cryptozoologist of 17 years, outdoorsman, and cattle rancher.

Gale J. Laffoon Jr., 34 years old, is an outdoorsman, farmer, dog trainer, Bigfoot researcher, and the security of the SIMH.

Stacy Caughlin is the occult researcher for SIMH. he is a retired US Army Aviation mechanic and pro fighter; boxing, kickboxing, MMA, pro wrestler. He uses pendulums and a rod dowsing specialist with or without maps.

Join us this Friday, July 15th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT




Phantoms & Monsters Radio welcomes alien abductee and military surveillance experiencer Kenneth Hopkins.

Kenneth states:

"For most of my life I had no awareness that I was an abductee. The night experiences I thought were dreams. In these, I would visit many places and see the same people many nights after I fell asleep.  I thought they were dream people. I could smell, touch them and have all six senses with them. Some places were cold, some places too warm and other places I couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen in.

When things became strange was in the summer of 1976. While attending Northeastern University, I would get a Top Security job, working for a contracting Agency for the Department Of Defense (DOD). The DOD and an abduction would create a conflict that would become lifelong in surveillance. I’m not going to get into much detail on this. The story was published in 2016 in a book titled 'Earth Transformations.' Published as non-fiction, where a young female agent for DOD, would be set up for abductions with me. With much assistance from Llan Starkweather, we were able to get this book published. Unfortunately, the book has been taken out of circulation.

In the years of 1975 through 1978, I would have abductions by the Greys in the daytime while driving a car with numerous different young women. These experiences I would have no memory of. I called them, “Blackouts.”  I would later become aware that these were referred to as missing time. As they occurred, I felt helpless. Some ranged from a half hour to most of a day. Always there were women present. In 30 minutes to an hour, most the women seemed unaware. These incidents occurred in cars, beaches, and even amongst crowds of people. As events occurred, so did homicides of witnesses. I ran into the Navy when men in suits started looking for me. In the last two homicides, two people just disappeared. Surveillance would start while I was in the U.S. Navy and continues to this day.

In 2003, after telling a story of seeing a UFO to my son, I would receive a series of flashbacks.  They became traumatic. I would begin my search with Hypnosis and Massachusetts MUFON. The pieces would come together in fragments of what occurred some 35 years ago. I would become horrified as different visitors came into my room, awakening me. Some ghost and some Interdimensionals.

It was at this point I reached out and helped others understand their experiences. For me now, it’s reaching out to others and to help them better understand their experiences.

Accidentally my son walked into my bedroom to shut the door and there he saw a Grey standing by my bed. This incident started my use of photography. After trying numerous camera systems we were able to photograph abduction phenomena "that these were referred to as missing time. As they occurred, I felt helpless. Some ranged from a half hour to most of a day. Always there were women present. In 30 minutes to an hour, most the women seemed unaware. These incidents occurred in cars, beaches, and even amongst crowds of people. As events occurred, so did homicides of witnesses. I ran into the Navy when men in suits started looking for me. In the last two homicides, two people just disappeared. Surveillance would start while I was in the U.S. Navy and continues to this day.

In 2003, after telling a story of seeing a UFO to my son, I would receive a series of flashbacks.  They became traumatic. I would begin my search with Hypnosis and Massachusetts MUFON. The pieces would come together in fragments of what occurred some 35 years ago. I would become horrified as different visitors came into my room, awakening me. Some ghost and some Interdimensionals.

It was at this point I reached out and helped others understand their experiences. For me now, it’s reaching out to others and to help them better understand their experiences.

Accidentally my son walked into my bedroom to shut the door and there he saw a Grey standing by my bed. This incident started my use of photography. After trying numerous camera systems we were able to photograph abduction phenomena."

Join us this Friday, July 20th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





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'STRANGE DAYS' with LON STRICKLER - Cryptid / Monsters Experiencers - Spaced Out Radio - 6/27/2022






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from Phantoms and Monsters - Real Cryptid Encounter Reports - Fortean Researcher Lon Strickler

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