Thursday 23 June 2022

The Strange and Wonderful Life of a Ufology Legend - Mysterious Universe

Brent Swancer summarizes the amazing career and contributions of Dr. J. Allen Hynek. For more on Hynek consult Mark O'Connell's excellent biography The Close Encounters Man: How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOs, which was reviewed in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. Lucy John recounts another piece of the UFO past in The World-famous UFO Sighting by a Group of Schoolchildren in Pembrokeshire 45 Years Ago. The February 4, 1977, Broad Haven School Wales event prefigured the April 6, 1966, Westall School Melbourne, Australia, and September 16 Ariel School, Ruwa, Zimbabwe mass sightings. All generated similar contemporary controversies and lasting impacts upon the witnesses. Peter Reich offers an interesting personal look at one man's collision with the UFO Mystery in From the Archives: My Father Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.F.O.s (1976). This excerpt from Peter Reich's A Book of Dreams is both strange and lyrical. Does this "Art" imitate "Life"? Elements in Jordan Peele's 'Nope': Borrowing from Ufology, Old and New? had us wondering. The upcoming movie reminds Greg Taylor of two famous southwestern people-confronting-UFOs themes. Haunting similarities also exist with the Reich case. (WM)

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