Wednesday 29 June 2022

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Refuses to Release UFO Information - The Black Vault

John Greenewald points out how the NRO's second negative response to FOIA requests "adds even more evidence to the reality of immense secrecy concealing UFO information from the general public." The UFO Chronicles cites one institution that at least promises more transparency, as NASA Announces Their UFO/UAP Investigation Will Focus on 8 Questions. Here's a copy of the guidelines for the supposed "preliminary sources study." Another government branch has dribbled out material, as the Navy Releases Videos of Mysterious Drones that Swarmed US Warships. Ryan Morgan provides some of these latest bits of info. On another DoD data drop Morgan's American Military News colleague Cheryl Hinneburg wants us to Watch US Military's Successful Test of Micro-drone Swarm Launched from Fighter Jets. In view of the recent sensation about the unknown drone swarms of 2019, it's interesting this nearly six-year-old test comes out now. But our neighbor to the North is fascinated in both known and unknown buzzers, as Keith Basterfield headlines Canada to Seek Information on Drones and UAP from the USA. Keith updates us on the Great White North's concerns and actions, and incidentally defines the term the "Five Eyes." (WM)

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