Friday 24 June 2022

Millions of Tons of a Strange New Chemical Were Discovered in Earth’s Atmosphere - BGR

Scientists in Germany have discovered that these newly discovered chemicals called hydrotrioxides linger in the atmosphere for at least 20 minutes (remember that number). Hydrotrioxides are made up of a hydrogen atom and three oxygen atoms. The researchers estimate that at least 11 million tons of hydrotrioxides form in the atmosphere each year. "This work," they conclude, "draws attention to an important class of strong oxidizing agents previously disregarded in atmospheric kinetics models." Disregarded by the mainstream perhaps, but not by the late space physicist Louis A. Frank at the University of Iowa, who proposed that an influx of previously undetected small comets is currently depositing millions of tons of oxygen and hydrogen atoms in the form of water vapor into the upper atmosphere each year. Most remarkably, that "20 minute" linger time the researchers discovered matches exactly the linger time of the water vapor in the upper atmosphere from the disintegration of small comets that Frank discovered. Frank tells the full story of his discovery and the controversy that ensued in Cosmic Rain, a large, full-color book published by Anomalist Books, which was recently reviewed as "a fascinating scientific detective story" in the Journal of Scientific Exploration: Startling Discoveries and Contrarian Anomalies: Small Comets and Other Heresies (PH)

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