Sunday 26 June 2022

As The Large Hadron Collider Revs Up, Physicists' Hopes Soar - New York Times

After its groundbreaking discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, no new particles have been detected. Still Mitesh Patel tells David Overbye that he's hopeful of finding something new, another piece of the puzzle which is our universe until the next round of upgrades in 2025. And the fine folks at CERN are doing good work, hoping to break down the standard model. Yet Ten Years After Higgs, Physicists Face The Nightmare Of Finding Nothing Else and potentially end particle physics as-we-know-it. And it is troubling since the Large Hadron Collider was built to figure out gravity, dark matter, the muon g-2, among others but since the Higgs there has been nothing. Adrian Cho takes a sober look at the potential state of affairs, but also what might be discovered in our lifetimes. (CS)

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