Sunday 8 May 2022

Links Between Paranormal Beliefs And Cognitive Function Described By 40 Years Of Research - Neuroscience News

This is your brain. This is your brain on ghosts. Any questions? Because if you do, Charlotte E. Dean and pals explain why folks who believe in the paranormal and supernatural are neurodivergent in contrast with the "normies". Perhaps it's their capacity to dream enabling them to shine on like crazy diamonds, or people who play fafi. Fafi? Bruh, fafi's the game all the kids are raving about nowadays and For Players Of Fafi, Dream Interpretation Is A Vital Skill. As Brittany Birberick explains, people's dreams inform the numbers they choose for this lottery game with surprising outcomes. Not to mention South Africa isn't the only place in the world where such oneiric sport can be found. Just make sure you don't go under the knife before your next round of fafi since Anaesthesia Drastically Changes The Way Brain Waves Travel. At issue here is propofol, the drug which killed Michael Jackson and Joan Rivers, and its devastating effect upon human consciousness according to a new study reviewed by Imma Perfetto. (CS)

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