Monday 16 May 2022

AstroSociology and UFOs - UFO Conjectures

Ufological gadfly Rich Reynolds lists the shortcomings of numerous different ways to study the phenomenon. Only Rich contends they aren't really studying the "phenomenon" per se; they're missing the real questions. Rich enumerates some of these questions, believing they may relate to a "phenomenon beyond human scrutiny." But what about The Intellectual Approach to UFOs? Rich says "That's okay with me but it's all wrong for the phenomenon." Here he expands upon the apparent ineffability of the subject. Rich also has thoughts about The Magic of God (and UFOs). He offers "a suggestion, one almost too bizarre to delve into," about the origin of UFOs. It's on the order of the late Mac Tonnies' thinking, as developed in Mac's book The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us, published by Anomalist Books. Rich further develops this in The Malevolence of the Gods (and UFOs). Rich considers the apparent passivity of UFOs to large-scale evils in human history. "But that is about to change and is changing. More on that upcoming." (WM)

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