Tuesday 26 April 2022

Large Hovering UFO, Winged Cryptid, & Haunting Recalled by Alabama Resident

A Tuscaloosa County, Alabama resident recalls a series of UFO and cryptid encounters that she has had over the past 3 decades. Includes a large triangle craft, and a large winged cryptid.

I recently received the following information:

"My name is KV and I am from Cottondale, Alabama. The two cryptid encounters I had, well, I had dismissed them at the time because I knew nothing of cryptozoology and was unsure about paranormal encounters, monsters, etc. Actually, we're all told ghost and monsters don't exist and I fall into that category as well.

The UFO encounter was in Bessemer, Alabama where I worked. I am a retired CPA. At the time of the encounter I was working as a tax preparer. It was tax season and I have been working late to get the tax returns done. The secretary and I live on the same route home so we would follow each other out until we would get to her exit and she would get off the interstate and I would continue on home. When we got on the interstate headed home we encountered a large black triangular shape over the Bessemer Civic Center. It had no lights on it. It was large, black and blocked out the night sky. It alarmed us so much that we did pull off the interstate and talk to each other making sure that we both saw the same thing. This was before cell phones and having the ability to snap a picture. We agreed not to mention it to anyone else because Bessemer was a small town and we didn't want word to get out and possibly affect business and reputation. I know you've heard that story and understand. I checked the papers and never saw a report of it. This would have been in the early 1990s between February and April.

The first encounter I had with a flying cryptid was driving home during tax season. It was around 1997 during February through April. It was very late around 11 PM. I was almost home when I saw what I thought was a large bird flying low and directly at my car. In my mind I was thinking that it was just a large owl. I actually had to swerve the car to miss it which is when I noticed how large it actually was. I had a Mustang at the time and the wingspan of this creature was wider than my windshield and the body was as long as my car. I did tell quite a few people about it and they said, 'Oh, it's just a turkey vulture. It was night time and you were tired and just over estimated its size.' I began to believe them and dismissed it.

The second encounter I had was at home. It was around 3 AM and I was in my backyard walking my dogs. I heard what sounded like a loud screeching or screaming. It sounded like it was coming down the road towards us. I looked at my dogs and they were not interested in going to see what this was. They were pulling to go back to the house. These were two 100 plus pound Labradors. We ran back to the house with the feeling that this entity was right on our heels. Once inside I looked and could never see anything. I heard it continue the sound as it went by the house but could never see a thing. I had my flood lights on and a street light but nothing visible to my eye. This would have happened around 1996. I was told by those that I shared this story with that it was a screech owl. Of course, I listened to them and I did not think about it again other than just sharing what I thought was a funny story of us being scared back in the house by an owl. However, since I've learned of your show I have gone back and listened to recordings of the sound of screech owls and it is nothing like the sound I heard that night. I have no idea what I heard but it is not a screech owl.

The house that I live in and have lived in during this time is haunted. The house across the street from me is also haunted. There have been sightings of an Indian out in the edge of the woods watching us. I have had numerous paranormal encounters and paranormal activity there. It didn't start to get ugly and become aggressive until the mid-2000s. That is when I found Bill Bean and received instructions on how to help myself and a ton of information about the paranormal. I always had an open mind, but this gave me a believing mind. Since then I have found your website and been listening to your podcasts and started rethinking encounters that I have had and these that I discussed were the ones that came to mind. I share them just in case you may have reports from others about these beings. If not maybe just file it away for future reference in case one day someone does.

Thanks for your time." KV

NOTE: There has been a notable increase of cryptid and unexplained encounters in Jefferson County (metro Birmingham, Alabama), Tuscaloosa County (areas near the University of Alabama), and Walker County (Jasper, Alabama) in recent years. Lon

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BIGFOOT ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION - Researchers / Investigators - Phantoms & Monsters Radio

Join us for a Bigfoot Roundtable Discussion on Phantoms & Monsters Radio. Together with Lon, our guests will include researchers & investigators Shane Corson, Carter Buschardt, & Ryan Cavalline.

Shane Corson was born in Scotland, and moved to San Diego, CA when he was a teenager. Shane has always been an avid outdoorsman, adventurer at heart, and interested in discovering new things. Shane loves tracking, hiking, fishing, and testing his survivalist skills. In 1997, he started doing field research on the subject of Bigfoot and spoke with eyewitnesses who had possible encounters, primarily in the San Bernardino Mountains, Yosemite, and Northern California. Shane moved to Oregon in 2008 and continued his research in the Pacific Northwest. In 2011, his research became all too real to him when he had his own Bigfoot encounter. Shane’s passion and methodology, along with his ambitions of furthering the research of Bigfoot, eventually led him to becoming a proud member of the Olympic Project.

Carter Buschardt has been an investigator with BFRO for the last 13 years. Originally from Texas and currently lives in Missouri. He has had nearly 100 reports published to the BFRO web site and has interviewed nearly 400 witnesses and counting. He is an experienced outdoorsman and trained as an investigator for MUFON. He studied herpetology in college. Longtime special interest in Sasquatch long term habituation sites, burial research, infrasound, language and stick structures. He is a true, boots on the ground researcher / investigator and not a desktop warrior. He has met and visited the properties of nearly half of the witnesses whose reports have been published. He monitors and visits several properties with ongoing habituation activity to this day Carter's books are titled 'Sasquatch: Evidence of an Enigma 1 & 2.' He is a member of the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team.

Ryan Cavalline is an award winning independent filmmaker from the foot hills of Pennsylvania.  Ryan has been shooting independent films for over twenty years. He has been involved in all ends of filmmaking by producing, directing, writing, and editing. Along with filmmaking, Ryan also has years of experience as a Treasure Hunter, Ghost Investigator, Bigfoot Researcher, and History Buff. In 2018 Ryan started Legend Hunters Films to promote true research of forgotten folklore and legends through, out the country.  Along with the Legend Hunters Films, Ryan is an active speaker at UFO/Bigfoot and Film Conventions. https://bit.ly/36IXtGQ  Ryan is known for several films, including Mountain Devil (2017) and Mountain Devil 2: The Search for Jan Klement (2020). He is a member of the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team.

Join us this Friday, April 29th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT



We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



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from Phantoms and Monsters - Real Eyewitness Cryptid Encounter Reports https://bit.ly/3ka26wV

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