Sunday 13 March 2022

Wendigo, Crawler Humanoid, or Something Else? Terrifying Encounter in Androscoggin County, Maine

An Androscoggin County, Maine recounts his terrifying experience with a possible Wendigo while walking late at night. The creature stalked him, whispered at him, and eventually showed itself.

I following account was recently forwarded to me:

"Throughout my youth and in through adulthood, I've had several encounters with entities and energies that are not of this realm; at least not as far as science and "history" is concerned.

These past few years, I've had several terrifying experiences, while being stalked while taking walks late at night around Turner, Maine. Sometimes, I'm overcome with a sense of fear that's animalistic and an innate sense of paranoia consumes me, as if something is watching from the woods and that I need to get to safety fast.

On other occasions, I've actually had something, quite aggressively, follow alongside me (from the tree line), chasing me away from certain areas, whispering in a low, human-like tone. It sounds like human footsteps crunching across tree branches, leaves, but so much larger, heavier than any human can step. This thing also can hurl itself from treetop to treetop. The power of it so great that it has actually knocked down trees, full size trees as it leaps. I could not make this up. It is TERRIFYING to be followed by something that's whispering as it walks in the trees beside you, even when you're running. That can seemingly teleport from one side of the road to the other in seconds. And is so big that  it can knock down trees as it jumps from top to top. It is so evasive, it can do all of these things while remaining hidden and not perceived by the naked eye.

Besides those encounters, I've visually seen something I can only relate as a 'Wendigo.' It was either comfortable enough with my energy to reveal itself, or something else altogether. Maybe it wanted to eat me, maybe it wanted to possess me, maybe it wanted to speak to me. I really don't know because I didn't stick around long enough to find out. The energy of this thing, the way it looked, was so offensive, so terrifying, I only remained long enough to visualize what I instinctively knew was coming through the woods and was about to show itself to me. I was frozen while I waited for this thing to come out of the woods. Looking back, I don't know if it was curiosity or the power of the creature itself.

I locked eyes with this thing and when I did, I was suddenly watching myself from its perspective. As if I was now inside the creature. Horrified, I tore myself away (luckily I was on the front steps right next to the door) and ran inside with a lit cigarette (I was so scared, I wasn't even thinking any thought besides run... now). I locked the door, hurried to my bedroom and screamed for my housemate. I refused to even step out of my bedroom for the entire night and I pulled down the blinds. This particular encounter was so terrifying I was shaking for hours and didn't sleep that night.

Some definite details I can remember of this creature was that its face was sunken in. and its head very large in size. Where its eyes should have been, were craters of black, and in the middle, golden, glowing orbs, that were very bright and flame-like. It was on all fours, but this thing can 100% easily walk if it wanted to. The creature was very, very thin. I remember that detail very clear. It's chest was near skeletal and its stomach caved in as if it hadn't eaten in 100 years. Its arms and legs both were very long, both arms and legs were insanely muscled and massive. Honestly, its arms and legs were the only part of the creature's anatomy that had any mass about it. The creature itself was huge! I'm talking like 10-foot-tall easy. And if I had to guess, it weighed anywhere between 500-600 pounds. It seemingly had fur covering some parts of its body. Along the tops of its arms, back and thighs, but the fur was scarce.

Initially, I thought werewolf, but after looking up different cryptids, I can safely say I don't think it was that. Another detail I remember was its mouth. This thing was smiling at me. Its teeth were razor sharp, almost needle-like and long. The size of its smile and the teeth took up most of its face. Where a nose should have been, there were just nostrils, almost like a skull. It's face, actually was very skull-like. The whole body very skeletal.

This thing, by the way, was not the only "cryptid" I've encountered or been chased by. The Androscoggin River area and all around Androscoggin County is very terrifying, old, haunted and linked to some type of portal, I believe. Ley lines perhaps? All of this is just dust in the wind and only things I know as fact are from what I personally have witnessed and heard. So many times at night, while walking along the river, I've heard screams so terrifying, so otherworldly, I can only relate it to the cry of a Banshee. And the woods around Lake Auburn and also, around Mt. Apatite, heading toward Mechanic Falls and then, in the other direction, toward Sabatus and Turner. This area has insanely negative, abrasive, offending energy and if you're going to walk at night, try to be aware...

And yes, I know how all of this sounds. Rest assured, I'm not delusional or any sense of crazy. I'm just looking to hear other stories of a similar nature." IH

NOTE: The area around the Androscoggin River is well-known for UFO and cryptid activity. I don't know what this witness encountered, to be honest. Was it a Wendigo, Crawler Humanoid, or something completely different? Lon

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Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



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