Monday 7 March 2022

Roswell: The First Days Were the Most Important - Mysterious Universe

Nick Redfern continues his assault upon the "traditional" ET-crash theory for the event which came to public attention on July 8, 1947--and almost immediately sank into virtual oblivion for three decades. Nick here relates the names and some information from Those Who Should Know Most about what actually did come to ground. Next, Nick's main alternative theory: that The Most Famous UFO Case Ever (Roswell, of Course) Was Not A UFO Event, At All. Nick highlights his highly-sourced and highly-controversial two books upon the subject and their argument that a frightening, disgusting, immoral, and very illegal set of projects was behind the affair. While Nick believes these (and subsequent more recent information) make a strong case, he also presents on The Roswell UFO Mystery: Missing Files That Just Might Help Us Solve Things (Or Not...). We've recently remarked that Jan Aldrich and others have noted (as did the then-in-1995 General Accounting Office) that destruction of military records was sometimes done without proper paperwork and/or owing to especially inciting factors. Nonetheless, the large "time gap" in records here might support Nick's horrible theory more than would just a "one-off" event, no matter how otherworldly. (WM)

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