Friday 25 February 2022

The "Alien" in "Alienation Effect": Concerning Poetry, Martians, and Related Matters - Skunkworks

Canadian poet-scholar Bryan Sentes' blog illustrates his labors at translating UFO reports into a mythology of UFOs. His excellent poetry here and elsewhere plus his deep understanding of the UFO conundrum prove this challenge attainable. Here Bryan considers Tony Trigilio's Writing What You Don't Know: Poetry and the Arcane. Trigilio's new poetic volume examines the Betty and Barney Hill abduction and its aftermath, not to prove or disprove its physical reality, but as a psychological event. It's "an effort to understand ordinary, quotidian states of consciousness by exploring unsettling extremes on the margins of consciousness." Bryan's "In Ghostlier Demarcations, Keener Sounds": Some Haunting Echoes between UFOs and Ghosts notes similarities in the reports of these phenomena when regarded as folklore. Like Trigilio, Bryan's purpose here is not to draw hard conclusions about the material reality of such phenomena. In Concerning Wissenschaftlich UAP Research and the Transcendence of the Phenomenon Bryan remarks a German university's move toward serious UFO research. Bryan fears its approach may be limited to the purely natural sciences, while the social sciences must be included to grasp more fully the mystery that is UFOs. Yet ultimately that mystery--as an interplay between Nature and Spirit--may be ungraspable. (WM)

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