Monday 28 February 2022

Aliens Are Hiding in Saturn's Rings According to Former NASA Scientist

A former NASA scientist says that while analyzing images taken from the Voyager probes over the years, he found strange objects near the rings. Are these alien craft?

The universe is full of mysteries and secrets. Naturally, there are many theories about the possibility of inhabited planets and alien civilizations.

This is not the first time that NASA employees talk about alien civilizations. So, Norman Bergrun made a sensational statement about aliens. Norman said that it is Saturn that can be the refuge of an alien civilization, and NASA just hide their evidence, using it for their own purposes.

Bergrun served on the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and worked with Lockheed Martin on some classified aerospace projects. In his 1986 book 'Ringmakers of Saturn,' he first outlined the theory that extraterrestrial craft had been sighted on the solar system’s ringed planets, especially Saturn.

The former NASA scientist says that while analyzing images taken from the Voyager probes over the years, he found strange objects near the rings. He added that one could even observe “exhausts from the engines of alien ships, the spread of which would accelerate and reach a critical stage.”

There has been a theory that NASA employees cannot talk too much. A few former NASA employees share some details that they could not have given out because of the confidentiality agreement. Another former NASA engineer also stated that the rings of Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter were created to be used as a source of energy or for aliens to obtain resources.

Several ufologists have said that there are some suspicious objects in the rings of Saturn. Bergrun said it is becoming harder to hide them. In addition, in photographs from probes sent to Saturn in 1982, mysterious structures were seen. Norman also said that more and more UFOs appear in outer space, and aliens living on Saturn can be hiding in its rings.

Another hypothesis says that in fact, the ring is a system of protection of Saturn, created with the help of alien technologies, which does not allow to take a clear photo of the planet.

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