Thursday 24 February 2022

7-Foot Hairy 'Wild Man' Encountered Near Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, UK

A Staffordshire resident was investigating possible tree structures and other anomalies in a nearby woodland when they encountered a 7-foot mottled brown hairy biped 'wild man.'

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"I have investigated the woodlands near my village, north of Cannock Chase in Staffordshire, UK. I have found numerous tree-structures, tree-breaks 8-12 foot off the ground, arched over trees whose tops had been anchored down under logs and scrub, large and small crossed over arched trees, X-structures, suspended young trees and tangled masses of branches suspended off the woodland floor. I have discovered a variety of indistinct footprints, of two sizes, 8 and 12 inches long.

On February 2, 2021, at approximately 9:30 AM, I had just parked the car. I was standing outside, in the process of putting my walking boots on, when my attention was drawn to a small area of woodland about 300 metres away. I saw the head, upper body, and legs down to the knees of a large biped hairy beast. It was in the process of watching a group of pheasants in an adjacent field, attracted to an area where the farmer had deposited piles of silage and animal waste. The hairy beast turned to his right from a standing position and took 3-4 long strides, with arms swinging, before entering a dense thicket of holly. It strode between two large ancient trees, its lower legs were hidden behind the piles of silage/animal waste.

The hairy beast had great bulk to its body, a negligible neck, with a good-sized head, whose facial features were indistinct due to the distance. It had long muscular arms, the hands reaching to the knees. The stride was smooth, the creature's back was slightly sloping forwards. There was no rise and fall of the body as it moved.

The colour of the hairy body was a mixed brown, but it had numerous patches of beige and honey coloured hair about the head, shoulders, and parts of the back. A mottled appearance. The paler areas were indeed hair it seems, and not 'bald areas.' Had it not been for the pale colour of the form, and its movement, I may not have noticed it. The pale colour stood out markedly against the dark green holly trees, that the hairy form entered. Had the body been black or dark brown, the creature may not have been noticed.

I rushed to the area of woodland, camera, and binoculars in hand. Between the silage/waste and woodland was a barbed wire fence. The posts are 4 feet in height. The hairy 'man' stood and moved behind the fence. From the fence post height, the estimated height of the creature was approximately 7 feet." Name withheld

Witness sketch and photo:

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PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio - Cryptid Roundtable Discussion - Investigators & Researchers

Josh "Wolf" Turner Host of The Paranormal Round Table. Proud Texan who grew up around the paranormal and supernatural having many personal experiences and witnessing otherworldly phenomena. Josh is a master storyteller who has been collecting paranormal stories as a personal passion since his experience with an upright canine changed his life as a young man. Opening his eyes to the paranormal. Paranormal Round Table has live shows every Tuesday nights and new content every Friday night premiering shows on different paranormal topics. 

Ron Murphy, 'The Crypto Guru,' has been investigating the stuff of nightmares for over 30 years. He has delved deeply into the shadows to shed light on the things that go bump in the night and meticulously researched the historical and psychological context of myths and legends from around the world. Ron seeks to uncover the archetypal precedent for the monsters that haunt our collective thoughts.

Kenney W. Irish AKA 'The Cryptopunkologist,' is an author, hardcore/punk musician and sales/marketing professional. Originally from the northern parts of Vermont, he has recently re-located to the beautiful Adirondacks area of upstate New York. He has a lifelong love of folklore, legends, monsters, and U.F.O stories. He has regularly attended and spoke at writers' groups, and various other platforms across the country. He has a passion for writing young readers chapter books. You can also catch him as co-host for the NYBS radio show alongside Gary Robusto.

Elijah Henderson is owner of the Cryptid Studies Institute. He is the host of the YouTube Series Nightmare Nuggets of Cryptid Terror, and has been engaged in the cryptid field since 2002. When he is not editing or creating the latest Nightmare Nugget, he enjoys active research in the field. Elijah has been a public speaker since he was eleven years old.

Join us this Friday, February 25th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT



We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



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from Phantoms and Monsters - Real Eyewitness Cryptid Encounter Reports

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