Thursday 2 September 2021

Update: 'Owl Man' & 'Tall Black Humanoids' Encountered Near Freeport, Pennsylvania

Back in August 2019 I received a telephone call from 'DF' who lives on his farm with his family near Freeport, PA in Armstrong County, PA. He described two owl humanoid cryptid encounters:

On October 11, 2013 at approximately 5:30 PM, DF was in his recording studio (a separate building on the property). A client was playing the piano at the time. DF walked to the adjoining kitchen to get a glass of water. When he looked out the window he noticed a large winged being descending from the sky. He described it as an 'owlman' with wide feathered wings that had a longer feather spaced 6-7 inches along the bottom edge of the wings. The head was round with large black circular eyes, small owl-like ears and a short hooked beak. The body was 5 foot in height and shaped like that of a human with legs, ending in 3-toed talon feet. The feathered body was light to dark tan. The wingspan was 18-20 feet. It was a huge and impressive sight.

The winged being seemed to be drawn by the piano music, in DF's opinion. It landed briefly near the back of the studio, then flapped its wings 3 times and quickly ascended into the sky. He mentioned the sighting to his wife and children, who said that he should report the encounter.

A few days later, DF was once again in the recording studio. There was another client playing a piano. As DF briefly stepped outside, he noticed the same winged being descending near the studio. This time it must have seen DF, then it quickly flew away.

DF is a bit old-school and didn't have a cellphone with him at that time. But he did sketch the winged being after each occasion (displayed below). After 6 years, he was finally convinced to come forward with his sighting. Any further information will be added to this report. Lon

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team member Ryan Fusco followed up with his on-site investigation.

Investigation for Owl Man sighting September 16th 10 a.m.:

Arriving at our witnesses location we found out right away that this man was very intelligent, and as you'll soon find out credible as well. DF was able to retell us the entire situation also compensating for the six years of tree growth on his property.

Right away we could tell that this man was not joking around from his off the grid solar panels that power two homes, a barn and a music studio. He also raises his own fish, veggies, and fruits. He's also a collector of stamps and various medieval weapons especially swords. DF started off by telling us of the account that is on the Phantoms and Monsters website.

In summary the flying beast he saw was between 5 and 6 ft tall, had a round head large black circles for eyes, small owl ears, very wide feathers and longer feathers attached as a bottom row that were anywhere from 6 to 7 in Long. It had a short-hooked beak and had three clawed talon for toes. He also added that it had a yellow gold color to its belly.

After hearing what DF had to say I trusted my instincts and asked if he had seen it more than twice. He said on a third account it was between 1:30 and 2 in the morning he and his wife were awoken by a startling sound he said that it was the sound of a woman screaming mixed with the screeching of an owl. DF ran to the window, opened it up and heard the sounds of and I quote "the sound that bones would make rubbing against a metal roof". At first, he thought it was coming from his well house but when he turned his head he realized it was on top of his barn. DF grabbed his bow. But by that time the creature had flown off. They owned several cats. In the morning their cat Leo was never seen again. DF and his wife swear that was the owl that took him.

Now there have been a couple of sightings of this thing, here and there through those six years. A family member of his and their son claims to have seen this creature eating or feasting on the side of the road of a deer carcass except this was at night it had red eyes shine, and at night owls eyes glow red when light shines upon them.

To wrap this up I was sent out here to investigate because he claimed he knew where this thing was coming from. The same place where he got a job just so he could find out if this thing really was there. By the way you don't make up a story and then seek out to get a job at a mushroom farm of all places, 8 miles east from his location.

At this mushroom farm they owned golf carts. They showed up the one day and they were missing. This happened day after day finally they installed cameras. They caught young kids between the ages of 16 and 18 with rifles driving on them. When they were caught, they were asked why? Their answers:

"There's a giant bat like creature with glowing red eyes at night that lives in these caves and mines and we've seen it leave and come back several times and we're here to kill it..."

Since then DF hasn't seen signs of this creature. But then again, it's Armstrong County anything can happen. Ryan Fusco

Now, there is an account coming out the same area, at around the same time period, of tall humanoids - reported by The National Cryptid Society. Are these sightings related?
"At some point, maybe 30-40 minutes into the hunt, I heard running on the hillside behind me to the left. I turned around and got ready, expecting a deer or two to come into range. I was shocked though, when three humanoid figures appeared and dashed across the steep hillside, up and out of view. These figures were tall, maybe 12-14 feet in height, if I had to guess, and they were incredibly thin and pitch black in color.

I didn’t notice any facial features, but they may have been a little too far to see any details. The way they ran was so incredibly smooth and fast, especially considering the steep and rocky terrain. I knew instantly that these weren’t anything known to science, but they also seemed very different from the “shadow men” that people always talk about...."

There has been varied cryptid encounters in Armstrong County, PA. What are your thoughts? Lon

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from Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

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