Thursday 2 September 2021

Leslie Kean Claims Current UFO News Coverage "Unprecedented" - Jason Colavito

Jason Colavito attacks Leslie Kean’s knowledge on the UFO subject. One hopes Jason’s own grasp of the history of UFO media coverage is more complete and nuanced than his simplistic presentation in this brief article. He might benefit from consulting UFOs and Government (Anomalist Books). Comparing with a broad brush events from 1947 up to the December 2017 revelations of a Pentagon study program and Naval videos glosses over much. Since late 2017 the amount of positive or neutral high-end press per unit time is remarkable; the information may be more significant; and all this in the absence of such ongoing “waves� of contemporary reporting that characterized 1947, 1952, and 1965-6. The reportage has moved journalism prof and hardened skeptic Keith Kloor to moan “every day brings a stunningly credulous new media report of mysterious objects encroaching U.S. military airspace.� Billy Cox' Washington Post writers. Note also The Observer's Reporting on 'The UFO Report'. That analyzes media coverage and comments about the June 25th "Preliminary Assessment," finding them "predictable." The Observer offers rather droll observations on "The ebb and flow of "UFO Mania" and the attention spans of press and general public. Conclusions: the question is complicated and the furor has lessened some, while the future is unclear--but hardened skeptics are squirming. (WM)

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