Friday 3 September 2021

Internal DoD Inspector General E-Mails on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) - The Black Vault

John Greenewald posts an interesting though redaction-fragmented "document dump" he just received from the Department of Defense Inspector General's office via FOIA. John promises an analytical article and video. Keith Basterfield navigates through the "dump" with Black Vault Receives Copies of Internal Emails from the Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defense. Jason Colavito can't wait to show that Internal Documents Show Pentagon Interest in Elite Media UFO Coverage. Jason preens himself for a "strong counternarrative published in an equally elite publication, The New Republic," comparing with "articles from The New York Times, The New Yorker, Politico, and CNN." But he obviously thinks the Pentagon people took these seriously, and an initial tally indicates a 4/1 significant ratio against Jason's "reasoned" article. Worse still for Jason, Nextgov Staff Correspondent Brandi Vincent reports that Senators Look to Continue Government-Led Research into Strange UFO Sightings. Harry Reid and Luis Elizondo are featured, and the 345th section of the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal 2022, passed by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence by unanimous vote, is highlighted. And Newsweek has some Modern-Day UFO Sightings No One Can Explain. That article betrays knowledge gaps, but one wonders if Jason wouldn't accord Newsweek "elite" status. And quotes by notables in the documents challenge Jason's previous article attack against Leslie Kean's belief that the events the media describes and "mainstream media coverage of UFOs" are "unprecedented." (WM)

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