Tuesday 24 August 2021

The Grand Canyon Is Missing a Billion Years' Worth of Rocks. Scientists May Know Why - Science Alert

History is full of mysteries, but prehistoric enigmas can be even more profound. In this case, the 150-year-old conundrum called the "Great Unconformity" may finally be nearing an explanation. And the thermochronological techniques used in the investigation may have application at other puzzling sites. Rather closer in geologic time but at near-astronomic distances, Alisa Harvey reports Scientists Locate Likely Origin for the Dinosaur-killing Asteroid. Analyses of cutting-edge modern supercomputer simulations plus 66-million-year-old rocks led to a very general address of origin in the outer asteroid belt. Much closer to the present, a New Clue to Human Evolution's Biggest Mystery Emerges in Philippines, per Katie Hunt. A study showing a Philippine ethnic group "has the highest known level of Denisovan ancestry in the world" has led physical anthropologist Chris Stringer to suggest "our ancestors may have interacted more widely with Denisovans than Neanderthals," and, echoing findings in the first two articles, things "were even more complex than we thought up to now." We come almost to the present with An Immense Mystery Older than Stonehenge. Gobekli Tepe pioneer Klaus Schmidt's theories severely challenged traditional views of the Neolithic transition; more recent discoveries and reviews of previous excavations "may rewrite prehistory yet again." Andrew Curry tells that story and how the Gobekli Tepe site and others in its environs have markedly changed in the past fifteen years. (WM)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/3sKKESQ

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