Saturday 28 August 2021

How You Think About Time Can Change The Future - Inverse

There are fifty shades of psychohistory in Vincent Ialenti's meditation upon how humanity apprehends the past's influence on the future. He paints some captivating scenes of what is to come of Earth if only humanity chooses to mitigate its toxic impact upon the planet. And by mitigating, humanity could very well make the present a better place. It doesn't require any divine inspiration, but Paul Seaburn knows where some can be found when necessary. Scientists May Have Already Located The Brain's "God Spot", but will it herald the end of religion, or a synthesis between science and religion? Someone who could lend a helping hand with that question is Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum, The Einstein Of Consciousness, except he vanished in 1994. Fortunately the Daily Grail's Red Pill Junkie has boned up on Zylberbaum's oeuvre, including reviewing a documentary on Zylberbaum, and waxes poetic to Greg Bishop on the bleeding edge cut by Jacobo while he was still in plain sight. (CS)

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