Wednesday 25 August 2021

Here is What You Need to Know about UFOs According to the AIAA Aviation Conference - The Debrief

Christopher Plain lists "the Top 5 Takeaways about UFOs and Flight Safety" from an August 6th six-member panel at the AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum. Plain also conveys some of the background give-and-take during the session, and comments upon the questionable use by Dr. Kevin Knuth of an "unvetted" UFO photograph taken by similarly controversial ufologist Ray Stanford. Gallup's Director of U.S. Social Research Lydia Saad says that a Larger Minority in U.S. Says Some UFOs Are Alien Spacecraft than just two years ago. Saad goes deeper into the numbers, offers a "Survey Methods" explanation, and links to a download of the July 2021 data. This has caught Paul Seaburn's attention, resulting in Aliens in UFOs? New Poll Shows Significant Change in Number of Americans Who Believe. Paul speculates a bit more than the Gallup Director as to what's behind the results, including the propensity for men to believe in conspiracy theories. And Seaburn colleague Jocelyne LeBlanc has findings from ufologist Chris Rutkowski's recent survey that Canadians Reportedly Witness UFOs Three Times a Day. LeBlanc covers changes in Canadian reporting since 2017 to 2020. See The Canadian UFO Survey for fuller data from recent years going back to 1989. (WM)

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