Monday 30 August 2021

Frank Scully's ETs vs Ruthless Earthlings - UFO Conjectures

Though Rich Reynolds thinks the core UFO conundrum is far more important than the human reaction to The Mystery, many of his "Conjectures" offer lessons about ourselves. This first piece notes our intrigue with "homey" details offered up about supposed aliens, and speculates about how "humankind went astray early on in its evolution." Along a related line, Rich thinks We Can't Keep Imposing Human Characteristics on Extraterrestrials. In discussions of what possible alien intelligence would be like we are projecting from a Sample of One, and one necessarily heavily shaped by our own experience. Then there's Socorro, Howard Hughes, the Russians, and Jeff Bezos, that last of whom appears to be copying "an egg-shaped Mars Lander" design from Hughes' moon lander plans. Rich suggests why Bezos chose to work within that constraint. And Rich chastises Those Ufological "Zoo Visitors" who consume but don't comment upon online UFO offerings. "The phenomenon deserves more," rightly says Rich--though he will allow there are more pressing earthly concerns than ET UFOs. (WM)

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