Tuesday 31 August 2021

Drifter Attacked by Possible Bigfoot Near Williams Lake, British Columbia

A drifter was attacked by an apparent Bigfoot in Williams Lake, British Columbia. A huge & thick 8-foot long log was thrown on top of a tarp shelter, barely missing the witness.

The following account was forwarded to me recently:

"I spent 10 years of my youth, homeless, drifting across Canada, hitch-hiking and riding freight trains across every province. I never knew where I wanted to call home, so I just traveled this beautiful country to see which places I liked best. I have many years of experience with trapping and wilderness survival, so being stranded in places has never been an issue for me.

This particular story happened in the summer of 2013. I was hitch hiking out of Williams Lake, BC, but it was getting late and I was having a hard time getting picked up on the small shoulder at the edge of town, until one man pulled over and said "I can't drive you very far but there's a roadside rest-stop a few kilometers down the highway and I think you might have better luck there". I agreed. The man drives me to the rest stop and from there, I pull out my cardboard sign that said "EAST" in bold black sharpie. I stood there for a couple hours to no avail, until it finally got too dark, and obviously your chances of being picked up at night are very slim.

I decided to hike off in the woods to set up my tarp and sleeping bag and my plan was to sleep through the night and in the morning I would walk back to the highway and try again. So there I go, flashlight in hand, walking into the bush off the highway. I have always had a hard time sleeping with trucks and big rigs, so I hiked about 200-250 meters into the bush off the highway so that some of the sound from the traffic wouldn't be so deafening.

I set up my tarp, in an A-frame configuration between two trees, tarp draped over a tight line of paracord and pinned down with tent pegs. This has been my go-to shelter for many years. It was around 11pm, now pitch black outside. I didn't bother to get a fire going because I was exhausted from walking all day with my 30 lb. backpack. I crawled into my sleeping bag, and I was out like a light.

In the middle of the night I awoke to tree branches cracking all around me, big branches. Whatever it was, it was BIG, and I heard heavy panting/breathing, but the scary part is that it sounded like a human breathing, and very close, right outside my tarp. I thought it might have been a bear, but in my mind, there was no way it was a human because I was in a pretty remote area and it was like 3am.... super unlikely it would be anyone deliberately trying to f*ck with me, and there were no cars parked at the roadside turnout parking lot earlier that night when I retreated into the woods. I am positive nobody saw me walk into the woods.

I was paralyzed with fear and laying perfectly still holding my knife and my flashlight (which was turned off). Then, next thing I know, a huge log gets thrown and collapses my entire tarp on top of me, I started screaming as loud as I could and I climbed out with my knife, I lit my flashlight and whatever it was RAN OFF in the bush and I never got a good view of it but all I could see were (very tall) bushes being rattled as it took off into the woods.

Then I looked at the log that got thrown at me. I was in awe. It missed my head by mere inches, and pinned my tarp into the dirt below. It was about 8 feet long and maybe 10" in diameter. It would have killed me.

I built a fire using whatever sticks were laying around the small clearing where I had my camp. I kept looking all directions with my flashlight and I was terrified. I figured if I had a fire it might ward off whatever it was that I just had a close encounter with. At any rate, I had no intention of staying long.

I took apart my shelter/ rolled up my tarp and packed everything up, because I was getting the hell out of there. It took some serious muscle to move the log and get my tarp un-stuck. Once I was packed up, I then walked back to the highway and waited until the dawn before trying to catch a ride. Felt safer there.

Whatever threw that log was no bear, and I know it wasn't a human. I initially thought the log might have broke off from a dead tree above, but that was not the case. All trees in my vicinity were alive and well. It was thrown.

Williams Lake, BC has been a known hotspot for Bigfoot sightings, and to this day, I am convinced that what I encountered that night, was in fact the legendary Sasquatch." NP

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