The antics, apparent associations, and unknown purposes of unidentifiable helicopters constitute part of the overall ufological puzzle. Nick Redfern's weird examples of this phenomenon go back to 1957. In
The Collins Elite: What in Hell?! UFOs, Demons and Putting the Picture Straight Nick corrects misconceptions about a group that may employ these machines for nefarious ends. Reading Nick's gripping
Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife (Anomalist Books) will help elucidate the Collins Elite and may very well scare the "heck" out of you. But wait; there's more from Nick on this in his
Non-Human Entities and Wholeness and the Implicate Order. It even contains a "Collins Elite" explanation for "the phenomenon of cattle mutilations and mysterious helicopters" Nick profiled in his first article. Reinforcing the possible UFO connection with "mutes" and "phantom helicopters" are
Cattle Mutilations Reported After UFOs Appear in Argentina. Paul Seaburn adds an apparently recent confluence of those two phenomena. (WM)
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