Wednesday 21 July 2021

The Relief of Going Public - Life in Jonestown

UFOs and people stories--some funny, some a bit goofy; this Billy Cox tale rather wistful. A military "UFO missile shutdown" witness unburdened himself after more than 40 years of silence about his harrowing experience. On the other hand, Jane Hamilton tells how a Scots Cop Called Officers for Help after Being Pursued by Drone but Dot in Sky Was Actually Jupiter. Things get a little whacky as English comedian Russell Brand Believes Aliens 'Might be Gods We've Been Communicating with'. And guess whose visage pops out in Sunday Mirror Showbiz Editor Halina Watts' article--"UFO guru and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell"! Coincidentally, Jeremy also figures in George Knapp's interview Meet the "Summoners". Possible explanations come to mind when enjoying this conversation, but the Summoners' mode of "calling in" UFOs is a fun combination of "Do-it-Yourself," "Consciousness," and "Sky Critters"! And the smiles continue with Anna Padilla's < a href="" target="_blank">Visitors Come from All Over to take Part in Roswell's UFO Festival and Photos: Roswell's UFO Festival. (WM)

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