Friday 23 July 2021

Peter Robbins on Travis Walton - Facebook

Peter Robbins notes "a growing free-for-all of attacks on Travis Walton and his credibility," and says he'll "gladly and willingly leave the field of UFO studies for good and ever" if this 1975 abduction case is proven a fabrication. It seems that no scientific study has yet been published on tree ring thicknesses at the abduction site, and foresters know there are natural explanations for differential growth of a tree ring around its periphery. Ryan Gordon is the documentary professional who's had dealings with both Walton and recently-feuding and former logging crew-chief Mike Rogers. In the comments, Gordon has challenged Peter for a debate on Erica Lukes' UFO Classified podcast. Aside from this frontal assault upon the Walton abduction, "Mrherr Zaar" has researched potential precedents for elements of the Walton story. ZZZZAP discusses "the variant renderings of the iconic moment where Travis is zapped by a beam of light from the alien craft." Are the several sight and sound descriptions consonant with a real event, just described differently by different people across the years? Where Did Walton Get His Version of Homo Futuris? attempts to find precursors for the particular, "non-standard" type of grey alien Walton says he encountered during his abduction. (WM)

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