Saturday 24 July 2021

No, But Really. Should We Contact Aliens? - New York Times

Here's a lively and interesting conversation between Michio Kaku and Douglas Vakoch over the concept of METI, or Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and its implications. Douglas encourages messaging aliens, far beyond lingering transmissions of old I Love Lucy episodes, while Kaku has a markedly negative point to make on reaching out to touch something. And what if they respond, something crashes on Earth, or somehow an off-planet robot stumbles upon something? According to Marc Kaufman NASA Wants Standards Evaluating Claims Of Extraterrestrial Life to determine if the discovery is believable. Cases in point รข€” Venusian phosphines, martian methane and meteorites, and slugs on Pluto are just the beginning and Jim Green and Mary Voytek have their work cut out for them. And should puny earthlings make first contact, Avi "I'm not saying it's aliens but..." Loeb outlines How To Tell If Extraterrestrial Visitors Are Friend Or Foe and it all boils down to meeting them on a level playng field. We leave it to Avi to explain the hows and whys behind his maverick proposal. On the other hand, first contact may come from deactivated gadgetry being littered through Earth's orbital path, leading to Dr. James Benford's thesis concerning Archaeology On Alien Planets, even if those "planets" are just right around the corner. And The Observer makes a point of enumerating many of the extraterrestrial phenomenon in our solar system deserving a second, or third, look. (CS)

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