Wednesday 21 July 2021

Claude Degler, One of the Ufologists That Time Forgot - The Saucers That Time Forgot

Curt Collins has some amazing details upon a rather strange early figure in ufology. And in the Report By Frank Edwards about UFOs and Official Statements Mark Russell Bell repeats "a substantial portion of the autobiography chapter about UFOlogy" in one of that pioneering and rather controversial figure's very diverting books. Note that the recommendations of the January 1953 Robertson Panel were not general public knowledge until their publication in 1968 as Appendix U of the Condon Committee's Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects. John Greenewald has an interesting analysis and a request for help on the subject of Project Moon Dust: Three Ton, Cube Shaped "Satellite" Found In Sudan, August 1967. Note the quotation marks for the explanation in the headline. These developments against a backdrop considered by Greg Eghigian's From Flying Boats to Secret Soviet Weapons to Alien Visitors--A Brief Cultural History of UFOs. In the embedded interview particularly, Greg expresses hope for the future prosecution of UFO studies. Compare this with a conversation with British folklorist/ufologist Dr. David Clarke in The History and Mystery of UFOs. Amid the giggles and laughter, Clarke's mostly-accurate description offers some cogent insights into the sociology of ufology, particularly in Great Britain, and his own personal mindset on the larger subject. (WM)

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