For ages people wondered if the thunderbird of Native American lore truly existed. Memories of photos, multitudinous sightings, and the irrefutable fossil record strongly suggest something colossal once soared through our skies. But still? Nick Redfern makes sense of this mountain of data, while conveying his own maverick hypothesis behind the legend. On the other wing, nobody's asking about the provenance of
Centrospar mirus mostly because nobody but Karl Shuker knows
The Cautionary Tale Of A Non-Existent Bird. Once upon a time a genus of bird only found in North America was reportedly discovered in
Australia. Dr. Philip Lutley Sclater was earnest in his description and depiction, but was this a case of misidentification? Or might someone had been up to shenanigans in hopes of finding immortality within ornithological journals? Let's say it's quite a tangled web... (CS)
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