Thursday, 15 April 2021

Alien Hunters Should Search for Artifacts on the Moon, Study Suggests - Space

Charles Q. Choi says James Benford wants you to know about SETA (not SETI), and perhaps be introduced to "lurkers." Benford contends the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Artifacts may be a cheaper and more productive tack than listening for out-of-this world signals. And maybe there's already 'Oumuamua-like interstellar "probes" stashed somewhere within our own solar system. While we're at it, have we really thought out just Whom or What we may be contacting/contacted by/or finding their discarded soda bottles? Emily Cataneo offers a possibility in her Book Review: A Zoologist Imagines What Alien Like Might Look Like. And act, and think, and socialize, etc. With appropriate deference to the fact he's extrapolating from a Sample of One, Arik Kershenbaum marshals believable reasons supporting his musings. The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy sounds like a fun book also providing insights into how life works on our own planet. But some fear the prospect of communication in any form, as a Scientist Warns Alien Contact Will Be Like Montezuma and Cortez. Michio Kaku is not the first to voice this admonition, which Paul Seaburn discusses. So just in case They're not friendly--maybe too much like humans for humanity's comfort?--How Could We Build an Invisibility Cloak to Hide Earth from an Alien Civilization? David Kipping and his graduate student Alex Teachey (who sounds rather like Carl Sagan) tell us how to mask--or flaunt--our presence to possible other civilized sensors in the Cosmos. And consider that those other planetary civilizations may already have made that choice. The Universe may be a quite different place than we think! (WM)

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