Saturday 6 March 2021

The Various Demonic Hauntings Of David Bowie - Far Out

Bowie was an artistic genius and occultist and both, with a sprinkling of drugs, led to many of his own weird encounters. Tom Taylor shares the time the devil decided to use his L.A. swimming pool, Bowie's own magickal duel with Jimmy Page, and that problematic obsession with the Third Reich and its weird, twisted roots. Just as problematic as the other "N" word is the ongoing pandemic. While Americans bemoan social distancing and masks as fascism incarnate, count your blessings for not living in Blighty with the BBC's story on Ghost Hunters Stopped In Mumbles Due To Rule Break. Speaking of the pandemic, Carine Mardorossian notes how As Death Approaches, Our Dreams Offer Comfort And Reconciliation. What ensues is a collection of anecdotes from Dr. Christopher Kerr, a hospice doctor, concerning the unusual visions and actions of the dying during their final moments, and how it lends comfort to them and their loved ones. (CS)

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