Thursday 11 March 2021

Spotting UFOs: Do-it-yourself Sky Surveillance Comes Online - Space

Various means of collecting and using UFO data begin with what opens like an infomercial. Leonard David profiles the developing Sky Hub monitoring system. But right after a graphic that doesn't exactly "sing" to those uninitiated into such technology, David enlists Robert Sheaffer and an astronomer in rebuttals. No worries; Paul Seaburn sees promise in A New DIY UFO/UAP Spotting and Tracking Organization. If nothing else, the Sky Hub gear "sounds like a great project for riding out the pandemic lockdown." With RADAR UAP Update skeptical Englishman Dr. David Clarke announces the addition of "Two new Cold War era stories concerning mysterious 'unidentified aerial phenomena' (UAP)" to his RADAR & UAPs section. And back in the States, Alisun (Sunny) Hernandez makes an observation and then asks since: UFO Sightings in Upstate NY Nearly Doubled in 2020. Where Did Aliens Visit Most?. Here's another mainstream media person using National UFO Reporting Center data. (WM)

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