Wednesday 17 March 2021

Mysterious High-Altitude Flight Corridor Was Opened Up Between Area 51 and the Pacific - The Drive

Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick puzzle over a recent request for "a sanitized bridge between the NTTR [Nevada Test and Training Range] and the Pacific for a high-flying aircraft." They delineate the route and speculate knowledgeably about what could be afoot--or in the air. But probably not an ARRW (Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon), about which Rafi Letzter reports the US Air Force Says It Will Test Bizarre 'Hypersonic' Weapon this Month. Letzter indicates Trevithick has reported on this device in The Air Force Says Its First Hypersonic Missile Will Make Its Inaugural Flight Within 30 Days, and the test path, for one thing, sounds different. Letzter's article questions the need for such hypersonic capabilities, one analyst saying "It has been described as a weapon in search of a mission." (WM)

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