Wednesday 10 March 2021

John Greenewald on the Nature of FOIA - A Different Perspective

FOIA expert and The Black Vault "archive-meister" John Greenewald, Jr. joins Kevin to talk about the Anthony Bragalia Defense Intelligence Reference Documents controversy. Over 25 years John's made over 10,000 FOIA requests, and Kevin is no slouch either on both the receiving end and issues of government secrecy. It's a very informative and sometimes surprising dialogue. John makes a critical distinction between what he termed (but insisted were not legal names) "loosely responsive" versus "exactly responsive" on the part of the FOIA folks to requests. This offered a plausible explanation for how a response could answer one element of a very precise request while not directly corresponding to (or substantiating the aptness of) other points. Robert Bigelow's recent denial of getting any ET detritus when his company worked with the Pentagon was evaluated, and John has some very sharp things to say about media and ufologists' coverage of the whole Big UFO Story since it broke in the New York Times and Politico in December 2017. He's also got a rather dismal "take" on what the report expected from the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force will say, and how it will say it. (WM)

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