Wednesday 10 March 2021

Haunted Funeral Homes are Everywhere — But the Most Haunted One is in Cleveland - Mysterious Universe

Funeral homes have always been busy places. Long before pandemics, terrorist attacks, and Mother Nature seemingly trying to purge herself of the human nuisance, funeral homes have served as the Greyhound waiting areas of those who have passed through the veil and are waiting for their tickets on the Afterlife charter. Then there's the dozens upon dozens of cremated decedents who due to negligence--their own while living or that of their relatives for whom due diligence translates as Bare Minimum--are left unclaimed, their plastic or cardboard temporary urns  placed in storage while staff exhaust every possible means to find them a home. In other words, if you want to meet up with a ghost, from the freshly made to the long forgotten, go hang out in a funeral home. The House of Wills funeral home in Cleveland, Ohio, is considered one of the most haunted mortuaries out there. Its deceased residents put in regular appearances and, since coming under private ownership in 2010, have enabled the building's owner to market the joint as a haunted attraction. At one point, comedian Morty Stein worked there as a mortician, combining his strange and often frightening experiences with comedy, which is an excellent coping tool and good entertainment. So if the scent of embalming fluid and sickly sweet decay get you excited, seek medical attention. Then get permission to go in a private ghost hunt. If you return home a little worse for wear, don't say you weren't warned. (CM)

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