Tuesday 16 March 2021

David Halperin Interview - The Parallax

"We're diving in pretty deep here, listeners." Thus Randall Murphy introduces us to ufological ruminations beyond mere case details. Gene Steinberg's co-host is discussing matters UFO, religion, and philosophical with religion scholar and ufologist David Halperin. At times the theoretical questions may seem a bit abstract, but just short of midway through the interview Murphy relates a personal story that should leave the listener in abject awe and which forms a focal point to relate much of what has gone before and what follows thereafter. David Halperin's article A "Paracast" Remembrance -- Teen UFOlogists and the Klass Curse references a different interview the Paracasters conducted with Tim Beckley and Jerome Clark. Halperin reflects upon the careers Beckley, Clark, Steinberg, Murphy, and himself have had, gauging his own experience against the "[Philip] Klass Curse" uttered by that late arch-debunker. Adam Kehoe has also been executing some Deep Thought, the result being Clarifying vs Persuading: Learning from Szilard's "Voice of the Dolphins". This might provide insight into why ufology hasn't been more successful. (WM)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/3vxelrK

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