Thursday 11 March 2021

American Airlines Sighting and Cigar-Shaped Craft - A Different Perspective

Heading some current developments in anomalous sightings, Kevin Randle mentions great work done by Fran Ridge on the "very fluid" February 21st American Airlines encounter with a cylindrical object over New Mexico. Kevin promises to "stay on this until we have some sort of a solution." But wait, there's more: Kevin summarizes several other recent events. John Greenewald publishes results of a FOIA request for records about the Jetpack Sighting over Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), October 15, 2020. He also links to data he got on the August 30th, 2020 incursion. A Kansas sensation generated the title UFO in Wichita? Residents Can't Agree on What This Unusual Flying Object Was and a completely unnecessary subsequent flight by a local TV reporter, but featuring a bonus short aerial view of the city. One possibility for the original March 4th display gets examined in Tobias and Emily Wayland's NASA 'Super Guppy' Could be Responsible for UFO Sighting over Wichita, Kansas. The Waylands also detail another report that arose from publicity of the headliner observations. (WM)

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