Monday 22 February 2021

The Latest TTSA Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - Scientific Research

In a pivot foreshadowed by the departure of three key players, the To the Stars ... Academy of Arts & Sciences "has decided to restructure its operations to scale back its initiatives in science and tech commercialization and to place a greater emphasis on the operations of its entertainment business." Thus quoted in Keith Basterfield's article, which gives the salient information; for the "formal" report see Form 1-U To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science Inc.". The late December news of the impending departures of Christopher Mellon, Luis Elizondo, and Steve Justice had crippled TTSA's sci-tech-intelligence components. This news reduces the uneasy tension between Tom DeLonge's entertainment background and interests and those largely-abandoned objectives. And it likely concludes the organization's prominence within the serious UFO community. Keith also outlines The UAP Interests of Aerospace Companies, and Some of Their Employees. It's full of links to primary sources and Keith's previous efforts in the topic area, as well as references to Jacques Vallee's Forbidden Science volumes and the masterful UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry, Michael Swords and Robert Powell, eds., these available from Anomalist Books. (WM)

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