Thursday 18 February 2021

Terence McKenna: Did "Masculine Science" Cause UFO Sightings? - Mysterious Universe

In differing ways these articles illustrate the "personal" collision with UFOs. Krissy Eliot summarizes "ethnobotanist and mystic" McKenna's interesting argument that UFOs are a challenge with a purpose to rationalist-materialist science, which has taken us down the wrong path towards total destruction. And yup, mushrooms can "help distance ourselves from this materialistic, rational experience of the world." Nick Redfern offers a combination of science and the esoteric in Close Encounters of the Short Wave Kind: Aliens and Channeling. It's the story of Bob Renaud, whose "Korendrian" communications seem relatively standard early Contactee fare. But Nick finds certain etymological aspects "very intriguing." Brent Swancer then conducts us to Bizarre Encounters with Alien Avian Humanoids. Unlike Renaud's Korendrians, these creatures would not pass for polite company. But peoples' unique harrowing meetups or many pleasant interchanges with ETs are nothing compared to A Strange Lifetime of Bizarre and Spooky UFO and Alien Encounters. Brent relates a heartbreaking story of frightening experiences that appear to be multi-generational. (WM)

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