Wednesday 10 February 2021

Pentagon Admits It Has UFO Debris, Releases Test Results - UFO Explorations

The results of a successful FOIA attempt by Anthony Bragalia are here revealed. Bragalia is making a solid connection between what's discussed in the documents and the testing of actual UFO/UAP materials. A quick scan left some potential interpretive space in our opinion, noting that Bragalia complains of "deliberate obfuscation and purposeful confusion coming from the DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency]." In The Defense Intelligence Agency Releases Two More AAWSAP Defense Intelligence Reference Documents Keith Basterfield praises Bragalia's efforts, noting that two of the documents Bragalia received are indeed "new" releases from the AATIP's list of Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs). But John Greenewald strenuously disagrees with Bragalia's interpretation: Did the Pentagon just admit to having UFO Debris? (Spoiler Alert: No) - Here's what REALLY happened. (WM)

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