Friday 5 February 2021

Ocean Creatures (from a USO?) - UFO Conjectures

Here's some really fascinating UFO/USO cases and some, well, "Conjectures" on UFO case causes, courtesy of Rich Reynolds. First up are treatments of really concerning Russian naval meet-ups with the Unknown. Next, An Inadvertent UFO Scrapbook offers a "menagerie" of different and all very interesting cases. Dr. Michael Masters' theory that UFOs are piloted by human travelers from the future has "grown on" Rich enough to put out that UFOs are IFOs (Identified Flying Objects). Well, maybe not all UFO phenomena, observes Rich of the "Richness" of different reports; maybe Medically Induced Experiences Create [Some] UFO Observations/Events? Indeed, the subject is multifarious and pervasive through time, and these posts bolster the notion that no one explanation--including the ETH--"fits all." (WM)

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